Shanghai Stark Industry Co., Ltd.


World's leading production equipments, with that we can make a quantity as more than 40,000 tons annual. Most are for Chinese domestic factories, 30% of them are exported abroad. In order to cope with the increasing export volume, we expanded our production base. In the future, we will expand our global market share to increase brand awareness.

Shanghai Stark Industry Co., Ltd.


Engaged in the production of epoxy resin for 30 years, constantly improving product performance. Better electrical conductivity, better insulation performance, and better partial discharge performance. More and more customers are willing to cooperate with us for a long time. Customer recognition is the benchmark of product success

Shanghai Stark Industry Co., Ltd.


Not only the domestic customers in China but also foreign friends, we will send someone there immediately as long as they have a need. We say it as "Always On Call". Otherwise, when the new product was been developed and sent to clients, there will be a technicist on the spot when first use. We will visit the old friends regularly every year, because they'll bring us the new ones.


Property Unit Standard
Appearance Visual Transparent-slightly yellow viscous liquid
Epoxy value Eq/kg 4.0-4.5
Viscosity at 25℃ mpa/s 2500-5000
Density at 25℃ g/cm3 1.16-1.20
VP at 25℃ Pa ﹤0.01
Flash point About 135
Property Unit Standard
Appearance Visual Transparent-slightly yellow viscous liquid
Viscosity at 25℃ mpa/s 200-600
Density at 25℃ g/cm3 1.17-1.24
VP at 25℃ Pa About 0.5
Flash point About 140
Copyright © Shanghai Stark Industry Co., Ltd.


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